Effective communication – breaking through the clutter during times of uncertainty, with CARE
Effective communication – breaking through the clutter during a pandemic, with CARE
These are unprecedented times. Uncertain times. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect all of us – from the way we work, to how we function as families and communities. On top of it, news reports across the country are screaming, “Australia is officially in recession for the first time in 30 years”. Tough times indeed. However, the thing about a “tough time” is that while it impacts us all at our very core, it also brings out the best in people. From healthcare workers and supermarket staff to office workers and trades services professionals, there are countless examples of the indomitable human spirit, right here in Australia. While some leaders have taken a step back, sending their organisations spiraling backwards, with terrible service delivery, and even worse communication, others have risen to the occasion. The latter have shown empathy, care and compassion, through their words, backed by action. Sometimes, these messages, from the heart, inspire. They help us see the silver lining. Brand and culture transformation expert Martin Lindstrom says in his article, “Your ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity”, “Leadership, in my opinion, is all about visibility and in these times… encouragement”. We can achieve this through effective communication. Here are my 4 tips to effective communication to break through the clutter during times of pandemic, using my CARE model: